Los datos alimentarios más precisos. Siempre a tu alcance.
CalorieKing Comida Buscar aplicación para iOS y Android
- Calorie, fat, carb and protein counts for over 150,000 foods
- Most accurate and up-to-date database
- Includes 260 fast food chains and restaurants
- Great for people with diabetes tracking carb intake

Having this reference in my pocket has been LIFE ALTERING. Thank you so much for such a great app!
— Brad Goodman, App Store Review
Never be in the dark again
With CalorieKing's Food Search App you have nutritional information about the foods in your life at your fingertips, allowing you to make smarter food choices wherever you are.
Verified food data
CalorieKing has the best food database available. Every entry is verified to clinical standards and is continuously updated. That means there are no confusing user-submitted entries, which may contain typos that can lead to bad food choices.
More than calories
By tapping on a food, you can quickly access more information, including protein, fiber, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, and alcohol counts. A must for people with diabetes, heart disease, athletes and anyone who wants to be fit & healthy!
Frequently Asked Questions
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¿Hay algún costo involucrado?
La aplicación de búsqueda de alimentos CalorieKing está disponible de forma gratuita. Esta versión gratuita es compatible con anuncios, pero tiene la opción de eliminar permanentemente los anuncios por una pequeña tarifa.
¿Incluye un diario de comida?
No. El diario gratuito de alimentos y ejercicios de CalorieKing está disponible para iOS como una aplicación separada llamada ControlMyWeight y a través de la web en https://program.calorieking.com
¿Funciona en dispositivos más grandes como tabletas?
Sí. La aplicación CalorieKing Food Search ha sido diseñada para múltiples tipos de dispositivos y resoluciones.
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